Kick Assets

Who We Are

Kick-Assets is one of the fastest growing financial education service of 2020. We are members from ALL 50 states and we are growing everyday! We offer a variety of stock trading strategies to generate another source of income. Our alerts have generated over $100K+ in profits. Our mission is to help YOU leverage the stock market to become financially free.

Our Strategy

Mindset > Strategy

Even if you 'know' a stock is going to go up, you can still lose money because it does not move in a linear form. It can go down before it goes up. Many traders will enter a position, and see the stock going down, and they will exit their position, walking away with a loss. In reality, they should let their investments develop. You must have the stomach to hold a position even if it is down.

Lock In Profits. Always

It is VERY important to secure profits, whenever you can. We cannot tell you how many time we've had this question: "I'm up 30% on my position, should I hold or sell." The answer is ALWAYS - SELL! It is very important to understand that the market can turn on you anytime, and it is ALWAYS better to be up $1 than to be down $10.

You will not win every trade

No matter how good of a trader you are or how well you understand charts, you will never win every trade you make. Some of the best traders in history only win 75% of the time.

Never Quit

You hear this everywhere, but we cannot emphasize the importance of not quitting. Eventually, you will find a strategy that works our for you. After trying hundreds of strategies, and thousands of dollars worth of losses, we finally found something that works for us. Looking back at the process, you will be glad you stayed in the game.